Tuesday, May 15, 2012

13th - Random act of kindness

                  "Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." Mother Teresa

         I think that this is really powerful message form Mother Teresa to us. As we people are growing up, most of us have the same questions. I can mention a few of them. Why we are here ? What is the purpose of life ? How can we change the world ? What can we do to start feel great inside us ? Well, the aim of this paper is not answer all this questions but I can tell you what can change our life for a better. I think that the purpose of life is to live life abundantly. To enjoy every second of life and to shine as a sun. We are meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Are you asking me what is the secret that might help us to shine ? The secret is to start helping other people. We can start with little things. For example to help to the old women which is carrying bag after grocery shopping or we can volunteer for some good purpose. We can do anything inspired with this beautiful quotation from Mother Teresa. We can do random act of kindness without any expectation of reward. The best is when you are doing something for someone and that person for which you are doing it doesn't even know. Later you will start to be angry that someone will find out. Who knows, maybe one day might someone do the same for us. Sometimes people will not understand you why you are doing it. But its OK, its OK ! Keep doing it !

       Let me tell you story from my life that can maybe inspire you. My purpose is no to talk about how great I am or to flaunt but about how can something makes us feel if you believe in it. My purpose is to inspire someone. None of us has contract with life. Some people are not lucky and have hard illnesses. One day I met someone special. A really really interesting girl. Her name is Maria. Maria has a friend and his name is Martin. Martin has leukemia and it is not looking very well for him. Maria is doing something very special for him. She is supporting him as much as she can. She is visiting him in a hospital a lot and trying to influence him with unbelievable positive energy and she is trying to make him feel strong. Despite she is trying to be supportive, she is just a girl with huge fragile heart and his destiny makes her cry and cause sadness. I am trying to be a religious person but I can not say that I am a good christian. I wanted to help him somehow and since I could not do for him as much as she is doing I decided to go to the church and pray. Then I came which this idea. I decided to go for the confession maybe after one year. After that I visit a priest and ask him to serve a mass for Martin. For his health. I decided to go for 30 days to a morning 6 a.m. mass including holy communion to pray and sacrify for Martinhealth. I mention that in front of her, because I needed to tell her that she is not alone soldier to help although my help is not that great as her. Since Martin isn’t religious guy and Maria told him that his another friend is doing this for him, he just said to her that she has a really weird Friends :) As I told you before that people doesn't have to understand or appriciate what are you doing for them but that is really not important. What is important that doing this makes me shine. I feel really really great inside and I believe in a miracle and maybe one day, who knows, someone might do the same for me if I will need it. I would be grateful for that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

12th - Best things in life are for free

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have and should have."
      Did you ever think about things that are really important for us ? How much money do we need to allow them ? I have a surprise for you guys. The best things in our lives are for free. We don't  need to have any money to enjoy them. Are you wondering what the hell are this guy talking about here ? Great. I can tell you. Let me start from the morning. We wake up full of energy after great night of SLEEP in which we could see wonderful DREAMS. Then we can have a breakfast with our FAMILY. We still don't need any money to HUG them or KISS them or we can do this with someone else. For example with FRIENDS. We can share with them out FEELINGS or BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES that will no one ever take from you. Some thing beautiful we can remember for the rest of our lives. We can SMILE on them or LAUGH so hart so your face hurts. And finally there is the LOVE and it is surprisingly for free as well :)