Did you ever think about things that are really important for us ? How much money do we need to allow them ? I have a surprise for you guys. The best things in our lives are for free. We don't need to have any money to enjoy them. Are you wondering what the hell are this guy talking about here ? Great. I can tell you. Let me start from the morning. We wake up full of energy after great night of SLEEP in which we could see wonderful DREAMS. Then we can have a breakfast with our FAMILY. We still don't need any money to HUG them or KISS them or we can do this with someone else. For example with FRIENDS. We can share with them out FEELINGS or BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES that will no one ever take from you. Some thing beautiful we can remember for the rest of our lives. We can SMILE on them or LAUGH so hart so your face hurts. And finally there is the LOVE and it is surprisingly for free as well :)
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