Monday, April 16, 2012

11th - Hanging out with friends

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

         There are many types of people in our lives. Some of them are coming into our lives just for a while, some of them are staying for a while and some of them are staying for many years. They have an impact on our lives and shape our personalities. They can inspire us or let us down. There are families, schoolmates, colleges, customers, boyfriends, girlfriends, people you will see just a couple of times in your life and there are friends. I mean a real friends, not just so called "friends" which would sell you for couple of euros. Friends are people which really enjoy your company. People you can trust. People you can share your feelings and emotions with. People you can discuss your dreams and ideas and you know they will not laugh to you. People you can chat about your new potential soulmate or object of interest. People which will do anything when they see you sad or in bad mood to change it for a better. I can honestly say that there are not many such a people in my life but I know that on that little group I can really count on and I know that there are here for me. I know that they are on a similar wave length as I am and I am sure that they think I can be funny guy when I have a good day and I can feel the same from their site. I found out that friends are really really special group of people which deserve more attention than they have from us in this moment.
            When I studied at the university I had a couple of friends which were really close to me. They were especially my schoolmates and we had really great time together and I have perfect memories for that part of my life. There was one girl, let’s call her Marry. Marry was a girlfriend of my friend and I was surprised when I found out that she will be my schoolmate. As time flows we becomes a friends and my friends becomes her friends. I really liked her as a person. She was so modest and kind and had a special sense of humor. She helped me many times in school even on some important exams. We graduated and we started to work and live our own lives in different cities. Marry got married with my friend and I was happy for them because they were really awesome people. I started to work for for some pharmaceutical company as a manager and I was busy as never before. We kept in touch just using social network. Marry wrote me we should hang out sometimes as in old times. I responsed something like we should definitely do that. They lived in my born town and I was in that city many times, but somehow I never found  time to meet with them. Later one of our common friend wrote me that Marry has a sick heart and she is in a hospital and it looks not good with her. After a couple of days I set up a meeting with her husband. We went for a pizza and we talked about good old times and about the present. He said that she is not good but she will be transferred into next hospital and he hope that everything will be OK again. I asked if it is possible to visit her in a hospital, but he said that only a close family can do that. We had a really good time together and I remember we laughed a lot because I was telling him some stories from my life and about current girlfriend which was from different continent. In couple of days he wrote me that Marry died. I was shocked. I didn't expect that. I was sure that everything will be good and we can hang out together again. She did for me a so much and now she was death and the only think I could do for her was to go to the funeral to say last good bye to her. I was so sorry that I never called and I am so sorry still. I would give anything to change it but it is too late. I realized that friends and our families are the most important peoples in our lives. We should appreciate them more, we should give more attention to them because they really deserve it.

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