No matter in how mood you are, you can always find strength to spend a lovely day. I will give you a few examples that will change your mood even when you feel down or lonely.
Smile at strangers - I had a girlfriend that told me that she always smile at strangers. I didn't understand that. Why would she smile at strangers?That was weird for me and I thought that only crazy person do that. I found out I was wrong. I found out that the most beautiful thing you can see on someone else face is their smile. When you will smile at people some of them will smile at you back and that will change your day for the better. As Mother Teresa used to say: " Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
Say thank you - It is always nice when someone say thank you to me. So why shlouldn't I do that first. Every day it is an opportunity to say it again and again. Don't miss it. People will start to like you. They will find a way to do something else for you, because they will know you really care.
Dress nicely - I think we should dress according the rule " wear the dress you will wear if you knew you are going to die today." I don't want to say that you should buy some really expensive brands. That is not important. I just want to say that in nice clothes, you will look better, feel better and people will like to see you again.
Wear perfume - I always like when a woman smell great. So why shouldn't I smell awesome. People will notice it. They receive you with all their senses. Good perfume will give people around you feel, that you care about yourself. And if you care about yourself, you care about others as well.
Observe and listen - People like if you are listen to them. Sometimes they don't need your solutions for their problems, they just need someone to listen to them. Do you know why Facebook is so popular ? You write something and suddenly you have a lot of automatic listeners.
Wish people lovely day - Pople will remember it trust me. Through the day I am meeting people because of business and they are not always nice to me. Sometimes they have no time for me, because they are busy doing their job. But even if they don't have time to speak with me, I thank them and wish them a lovely day. Sometimes they change their minds and find a little time for me. But if they don't, they are allways nicer to me next time.