“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein
Everyone on this planet can by charismatic person in his own way. Since every person is unique and special, it is not right to compare yourself with another. Everyone have his original character. Important is just to find out how your gifts or charismas are so once you will find out, you can work with them and develop them. Let me help you to find your gifts. We can say that everyone is a sinner and everyone have some weaknesses. It is very often that this two things are connected with your charismas. We can say tell me your sins and weaknesses and I will tell you your charismas and you can apply it opposite as well. Here are couple of examples, maybe you can find yourself in some of them.
Maybe you are very ambitious, priggish and you always want to win. You want to be better than anyone else and you are very competitive. Nothing can satisfy you, just to win and to be at first place. You are lofty, sometimes angry and always rebel. You have enjoyment to criticise others. All of this sins or weaknesses you can transform into leadership and zeal. This kind of person can change things around him to the better and can be very enthusiastic. And not just change things but to see things that should be changed. If you are this kind of person, you have strong need to help others.
If you are full of sexual desires and promiscuity and you are always searching for casual sex you have big affection to love. You want to love and you want to be loved. If you love someone, your love is stronger than anyone else love. Your charisma is confidentiality and you can be very contemplative person. With love you can digest mystical experience.
If you envy to other people for example their property or beauty and if you are jealous as well you have the gift of distinction. In deep look into another persons eyes you can discover human characteristics that other people can not see. You are very sensitive and perceptive. You can easily enter the private sector of another person.
Another weakness is fear. You can transform it into the sensitivity, compassion and care. If you know someone who have mother heart, who is very kind, merciful you know someone who had in the past lot of apprehensions and fear. If this kind of gifted person are looking into someone else eyes he can easily see what kind of worries are there and what needs are there.
Maybe you are stubbornness person. This weakness can be transformed into persistence. If this will happen you are very lucky person. When you will meet some life difficulties, you can go easily further. You can suffer but nothing will break you. You will fight until the end. This kind of people are very rare.
Let your new discovered gifts will help to do better world :)
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