Sunday, February 16, 2014

17th - The Hope

Everything that is done in the World is done by Hope. Martin Luther

        I want to ask you, how are you ? What heaviness are you carrying ? What is holding you back ? What fears or pains are kept inside you ?

        Sometimes you don't tell anybody what your're going through because first of all, they wouldn't understand and second of all, they can't even help you anyway. You're in a storm down on your knees and you're could, weak and feel like this is the end. 

          And I am here today to hug you. Because there is healing in hugging. I believe there is always someone up there who believes in you and love you just the way you are.

         We all are looking for something, we all are looking for hope. Hope you can't just have because you were born with hope. When we feel we don't have enough love and hope, we are loosing strength to live. Tears clean the windows of your soul. That's why you feel good after crying. You have a choice to either uplift somebody or put someone down. You either have 

a choice to step towards your goals and dreams or step away. You have a choice to either give up or keep going. Give up or get up. Every time, we have a choice. Either to be angry for what we don't have or to be thankful for what we do have. The power of that choice is the power we have to overcome. Make the choice today, right now and do something good. Hold on to that hope. Even a worst part of your life can be turned into good.

          Man can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 8 minutes without air but not one second without HOPE.

           Every single human been has a value and that value isn't determed on how he looks, or what job he have, where is he from, where he was born or how much money he have. Sooner or later the storm will end an you will find out why you are here anyway. The two greatest days in anyones life are when you were born and when you knew why. Everybody is here for a reason and everybody sometimes fail. But it's OK. When you fail, try again and again and again. If you trying hard and you don't get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else.

So dream big and never give up :)

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