Sunday, February 16, 2014

17th - The Hope

Everything that is done in the World is done by Hope. Martin Luther

        I want to ask you, how are you ? What heaviness are you carrying ? What is holding you back ? What fears or pains are kept inside you ?

        Sometimes you don't tell anybody what your're going through because first of all, they wouldn't understand and second of all, they can't even help you anyway. You're in a storm down on your knees and you're could, weak and feel like this is the end. 

          And I am here today to hug you. Because there is healing in hugging. I believe there is always someone up there who believes in you and love you just the way you are.

         We all are looking for something, we all are looking for hope. Hope you can't just have because you were born with hope. When we feel we don't have enough love and hope, we are loosing strength to live. Tears clean the windows of your soul. That's why you feel good after crying. You have a choice to either uplift somebody or put someone down. You either have 

a choice to step towards your goals and dreams or step away. You have a choice to either give up or keep going. Give up or get up. Every time, we have a choice. Either to be angry for what we don't have or to be thankful for what we do have. The power of that choice is the power we have to overcome. Make the choice today, right now and do something good. Hold on to that hope. Even a worst part of your life can be turned into good.

          Man can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 8 minutes without air but not one second without HOPE.

           Every single human been has a value and that value isn't determed on how he looks, or what job he have, where is he from, where he was born or how much money he have. Sooner or later the storm will end an you will find out why you are here anyway. The two greatest days in anyones life are when you were born and when you knew why. Everybody is here for a reason and everybody sometimes fail. But it's OK. When you fail, try again and again and again. If you trying hard and you don't get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else.

So dream big and never give up :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

16th - Spend a lovely day

It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth - and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up - that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. "  Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

No matter in how mood you are, you can always find strength to spend a lovely day. I will give you a few examples that will change your mood even when you feel down or lonely.

Smile at strangers - I had a girlfriend that told me that she always smile at strangers. I didn't understand that. Why would she smile at strangers?That was weird for me and I thought that only crazy person do that. I found out I was wrong. I found out that the most beautiful thing you can see on someone else face is their smile. When you will smile at people some of them will smile at you back and that will change your day for the better. As Mother Teresa used to say: Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.

Slow down - Sometimes we need to slow down. Maybe to stop the car and park it for a while. Our lives become so fast that we don't have time yet to slow down. Plese, slow down when you see something beautiful. I mean from mother nature, not a woman in skirt right now :)  Take time for a little break. For example to see a nice lake, beautiful meadow or a rainbow. Every day we can see a lot of beauty around.

Say thank you - It is always nice when someone say thank you to me. So why shlouldn't I do that first. Every day it is an opportunity to say it again and again. Don't miss it. People will start to like you. They will find a way to do something else for you, because they will know you really care. 

Give lots of compliments - If you like someone else's hair, just say it. If you like a dress a woman is wearing, just say it. If you think, she is beautiful, say it. Everyone is happy to hear it. People always appreciate it if you really mean it. Maybe you can do someone else day better.

Dress nicely - I think we should dress according the rule wear the dress you will wear if you knew you are going to die today." I don't want to say that you should buy some really expensive brands. That is not important. I just want to say that in nice clothes, you will look better, feel better and people will like to see you again.

Wear perfume - I always like when a woman smell great. So why shouldn't I smell awesome. People will notice it. They receive you with all their senses. Good perfume will give people around you feel, that you care about yourself. And if you care about yourself, you care about others as well.

Observe and listen - People like if you are listen to them. Sometimes they don't need your solutions for their problems, they just need someone to listen to them. Do you know why Facebook is so popular ? You write something and suddenly you have a lot of automatic listeners.

Be charming - People will noticed if you are charismatic person. You don't need to be Brad Pitt do behave charming. Everything you need to do is to know how to respond to others, be nice to them, try to help the, smile at them and to be thankful for everything.

Wish people lovely day - Pople will remember it trust me. Through the day I am meeting people because of business and they are not always nice to me. Sometimes they have no time for me, because they are busy doing their job. But even if they don't have time to speak with me, I thank them and wish them a lovely day. Sometimes they change their minds and find a little time for me. But if they don't, they are allways nicer to me next time.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

15th - Let God Love You

                       By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has beheld God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us. (John 13:34-35)            
               The more you study the Bible the more you will find out that it is not important how to love God but how to let God love us. What can we do to receive all his love. Once we could understand that, everything will make sense...

               Christianity is not mostly moralism but mysticism. It is not at first side about examining and presenting ideal human behaviour. Its first interest is to tell us about the love which alone itself allows us to be ideal. Once we become ideal because of this love, ideal human behaviour will appear itself.  

             If could we in some way expose us to radiation of the Gods love, we could see permanent change not just on our surface but in the deepest core of our existence. Jesus story is testimony what will happen with a human which is fully exposed to Gods love. How consequence it have in his life and others life. Once this kind of love get into his life he could listen to the people and help them, it help him to approach them, heal them and resurrect them. This love can grow in us and if we are open to it, it can fulfil all parts of our existence. All this will happen if you will remove all obstacles which prevent full development of this love.

          Important is to learn how to pray. Only during the pray you will reach Gods love and you can experienced its coming into your life. Sense of the pray is to lead away the prayer from himself in the new world where he doesn't live just for himself but for the others. In the community which transcend the barrier of time and space. He is invited to completely new environment where he will learn to live with everyone and for everyone and step by step he will forget to his little selfish world. If someone experienced that he is loved, he can not be the same. It is tremendous difference if someone knows that he is loved and if he can experienced that he is loved. Only knowledge isn't enough. Knowledge will never change anyone, but experience if it is enough deep and long-term can do that. There is some analogy with human love. If I love some woman, but that woman doesn't love me back, how can I she be changed to the better? She can not feel the love back. It is just information for her. She can not experienced that love. So let God love you with all yours errors :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

14th - Transform your sins and weaknesses into your charismas

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

Everyone on this planet can by charismatic person in his own way. Since every person is unique and special, it is not right to compare yourself with another. Everyone have his original character. Important is just to find out how your gifts or charismas are so once you will find out, you can work with them and develop them. Let me help you to find your gifts. We can say that everyone is a sinner and everyone have some weaknesses. It is very often that this two things are connected with your charismas. We can say tell me your sins and weaknesses and I will tell you your charismas and you can apply it opposite as well. Here are couple of examples, maybe you can find yourself in some of them.
           Maybe you are very ambitious, priggish and you always want to win. You want to be better than anyone else and you are very competitive. Nothing can satisfy you, just to win and to be at first place. You are lofty, sometimes angry and always rebel. You have enjoyment to criticise others. All of this sins or weaknesses you can transform into leadership and zeal. This kind of person can change things around him to the better and can be very enthusiastic. And not just change things but to see things that should be changed. If you are this kind of person, you have strong need to help others.
             If you are full of sexual desires and promiscuity and you are always searching for casual sex you have big affection to love. You want to love and you want to be loved. If you love someone, your love is stronger than anyone else love. Your charisma is confidentiality and you can be very contemplative person. With love you can digest mystical experience.
                 If you envy to other people for example their property or beauty and if you are jealous as well you have the gift of distinction. In deep look into another persons eyes you can discover human characteristics that other people can not see. You are very sensitive and perceptive. You can easily enter the private sector of another person.

            Another weakness is fear. You can transform it into the sensitivity, compassion and care. If you know someone who have mother heart, who is very kind, merciful you know someone who had in the past lot of apprehensions and fear. If this kind of gifted person are looking into someone else eyes he can easily see what kind of worries are there and what needs are there.

                 Maybe you are stubbornness person. This weakness can be transformed into persistence. If this will happen you are very lucky person. When you will meet some life difficulties, you can go easily further. You can suffer but nothing will break you. You will fight until the end. This kind of people are very rare.

Let your new discovered gifts will help to do better world :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

13th - Random act of kindness

                  "Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." Mother Teresa

         I think that this is really powerful message form Mother Teresa to us. As we people are growing up, most of us have the same questions. I can mention a few of them. Why we are here ? What is the purpose of life ? How can we change the world ? What can we do to start feel great inside us ? Well, the aim of this paper is not answer all this questions but I can tell you what can change our life for a better. I think that the purpose of life is to live life abundantly. To enjoy every second of life and to shine as a sun. We are meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Are you asking me what is the secret that might help us to shine ? The secret is to start helping other people. We can start with little things. For example to help to the old women which is carrying bag after grocery shopping or we can volunteer for some good purpose. We can do anything inspired with this beautiful quotation from Mother Teresa. We can do random act of kindness without any expectation of reward. The best is when you are doing something for someone and that person for which you are doing it doesn't even know. Later you will start to be angry that someone will find out. Who knows, maybe one day might someone do the same for us. Sometimes people will not understand you why you are doing it. But its OK, its OK ! Keep doing it !

       Let me tell you story from my life that can maybe inspire you. My purpose is no to talk about how great I am or to flaunt but about how can something makes us feel if you believe in it. My purpose is to inspire someone. None of us has contract with life. Some people are not lucky and have hard illnesses. One day I met someone special. A really really interesting girl. Her name is Maria. Maria has a friend and his name is Martin. Martin has leukemia and it is not looking very well for him. Maria is doing something very special for him. She is supporting him as much as she can. She is visiting him in a hospital a lot and trying to influence him with unbelievable positive energy and she is trying to make him feel strong. Despite she is trying to be supportive, she is just a girl with huge fragile heart and his destiny makes her cry and cause sadness. I am trying to be a religious person but I can not say that I am a good christian. I wanted to help him somehow and since I could not do for him as much as she is doing I decided to go to the church and pray. Then I came which this idea. I decided to go for the confession maybe after one year. After that I visit a priest and ask him to serve a mass for Martin. For his health. I decided to go for 30 days to a morning 6 a.m. mass including holy communion to pray and sacrify for Martinhealth. I mention that in front of her, because I needed to tell her that she is not alone soldier to help although my help is not that great as her. Since Martin isn’t religious guy and Maria told him that his another friend is doing this for him, he just said to her that she has a really weird Friends :) As I told you before that people doesn't have to understand or appriciate what are you doing for them but that is really not important. What is important that doing this makes me shine. I feel really really great inside and I believe in a miracle and maybe one day, who knows, someone might do the same for me if I will need it. I would be grateful for that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

12th - Best things in life are for free

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have and should have."
      Did you ever think about things that are really important for us ? How much money do we need to allow them ? I have a surprise for you guys. The best things in our lives are for free. We don't  need to have any money to enjoy them. Are you wondering what the hell are this guy talking about here ? Great. I can tell you. Let me start from the morning. We wake up full of energy after great night of SLEEP in which we could see wonderful DREAMS. Then we can have a breakfast with our FAMILY. We still don't need any money to HUG them or KISS them or we can do this with someone else. For example with FRIENDS. We can share with them out FEELINGS or BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES that will no one ever take from you. Some thing beautiful we can remember for the rest of our lives. We can SMILE on them or LAUGH so hart so your face hurts. And finally there is the LOVE and it is surprisingly for free as well :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

11th - Hanging out with friends

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

         There are many types of people in our lives. Some of them are coming into our lives just for a while, some of them are staying for a while and some of them are staying for many years. They have an impact on our lives and shape our personalities. They can inspire us or let us down. There are families, schoolmates, colleges, customers, boyfriends, girlfriends, people you will see just a couple of times in your life and there are friends. I mean a real friends, not just so called "friends" which would sell you for couple of euros. Friends are people which really enjoy your company. People you can trust. People you can share your feelings and emotions with. People you can discuss your dreams and ideas and you know they will not laugh to you. People you can chat about your new potential soulmate or object of interest. People which will do anything when they see you sad or in bad mood to change it for a better. I can honestly say that there are not many such a people in my life but I know that on that little group I can really count on and I know that there are here for me. I know that they are on a similar wave length as I am and I am sure that they think I can be funny guy when I have a good day and I can feel the same from their site. I found out that friends are really really special group of people which deserve more attention than they have from us in this moment.
            When I studied at the university I had a couple of friends which were really close to me. They were especially my schoolmates and we had really great time together and I have perfect memories for that part of my life. There was one girl, let’s call her Marry. Marry was a girlfriend of my friend and I was surprised when I found out that she will be my schoolmate. As time flows we becomes a friends and my friends becomes her friends. I really liked her as a person. She was so modest and kind and had a special sense of humor. She helped me many times in school even on some important exams. We graduated and we started to work and live our own lives in different cities. Marry got married with my friend and I was happy for them because they were really awesome people. I started to work for for some pharmaceutical company as a manager and I was busy as never before. We kept in touch just using social network. Marry wrote me we should hang out sometimes as in old times. I responsed something like we should definitely do that. They lived in my born town and I was in that city many times, but somehow I never found  time to meet with them. Later one of our common friend wrote me that Marry has a sick heart and she is in a hospital and it looks not good with her. After a couple of days I set up a meeting with her husband. We went for a pizza and we talked about good old times and about the present. He said that she is not good but she will be transferred into next hospital and he hope that everything will be OK again. I asked if it is possible to visit her in a hospital, but he said that only a close family can do that. We had a really good time together and I remember we laughed a lot because I was telling him some stories from my life and about current girlfriend which was from different continent. In couple of days he wrote me that Marry died. I was shocked. I didn't expect that. I was sure that everything will be good and we can hang out together again. She did for me a so much and now she was death and the only think I could do for her was to go to the funeral to say last good bye to her. I was so sorry that I never called and I am so sorry still. I would give anything to change it but it is too late. I realized that friends and our families are the most important peoples in our lives. We should appreciate them more, we should give more attention to them because they really deserve it.