Friday, March 23, 2012

2nd - Getting your very own religious book

         Let me start with little story I’d like to mention. It comes from The Iliad and tells you what spirituality should be. Maybe you know the story about The Iliad - the 10-year war between Greece and Troy. In one incident, Achilles, the famous warrior of Greece takes his troops out of the war and the whole war effort suffers. And the cause of the ensuing muddle, his beloved friend Patroclus, is killed - and killed in single combat by one of the Trojan prices Hector. And Achilles goes mad with grief and revenge, he killed Hector and mutilates his body and refused to give the body back for burial to the family which mean that Hector’s soul will wander eternally lost. Then one night, Priam, the king of Troy, an old man, comes into the Greek camp incognito, makes his way to Achilles tent to ask for the body of his son. Everybody is shocked when the old man takes of his head covering and shows himself. Achilles looks at him and thinks of his own father. And than suddenly he started to weep. Priam looks at the man who has murdered so many of his sons, and he, too, starts to weep. And the sound of their weeping filled the house. The Greeks believed that weeping together created a bond between the people. And than Achilles takes the body of Hector, he hands it very tenderly to the father, and the two men look at each other, and see each other as divine...

        There are many religious in this world and each of them have its own religion book. The Christians have Bible, the Muslims have Koran, the Jews have Talmud etc. There is as well lot of names for God. You can say God, Boh, Budha, whatever name you want to call him with, Allah, Ram, Om, whatever the name might be through which you name or access the presence of divinity, is the locus of absolute being, absolute love and mercy and compassion and absolute  knowledge and wisdom what for instance Hindus call "satchidanada". The language is different but the objective is always the same. There is a Golden Rule in this religious that is common for all of them: "Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you." This is the common platform on which we must stand, and when we stand on this platform as such, I am convinced that we can make a wonderful world. We should not threat other nations as we would not wish to be treated ourselves. All we have to do is to get our egos out of the way. I’am sure, probably all of you or certainly majority of you have had what you might call a spiritual experience, a moment in your lives when for a few seconds, a minute perhaps, the boundaries of your ego dissolved. And that minute, you felt at one with the universe, one with that cup of water on your table, one with every human being, one with the creator and you felt you were in the presence of power, of awe, of the deepest love, the deepest sense of compassion and mercy that you have ever experienced in your lives. Jesus says:  "I am the spirit and I am the way " and the prophet Muhammad says: "Whoever has seen me has seen God", it is because they became so much an instrument of God, they became part of God’s team so that God’s was manifest through them and not acting from their own selves and their own egos. There is a place in the world that is so important for 3 largest religious of the world - it is the heart and soul that is called the Holly Land in Jerusalem Israel. Millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews go there every year because of its spirituality. It is the place where Abraham wanted to sacrifice his son.  After kings Solomon  temple was destroyed in 6th century b.c. by the Babylonians, a second temple was built on the same side in 1st century b.c. by the king Herod the Great. According to New Testament it was the second temple which played significant role in the life of Jesus from Nazareth because it was here where Jesus chased out the money landers an event which leads to his crucifixion and death. And it was also near by the Mount of Olives from where was Jesus taken into the heaven by God. Nearly 6th centuries after the second temple was destroyed by the Romans, the third temple was built by the Persians - the Dome of the Rock - known to muslims as a very holly place. The temple was built on the side which they believe that Muhammed was taken to heaven by Allah. And for instance Ancient Alines believers believe that this is the place where in the past landed a huge spaceship but that is completely another story :) I think that it is important to come together and create networks of understanding - we must to speak to one another. It is time that we moved beyond the idea of toleration and move toward appreciation of the other. 

         My friend Peter inspired me. I like people that can inspire me and Peter is great guy. He have a hugh bible with more than 2 300 pages and inside that bible he has highlighted some sentences with red or yellow pen markers. I never understand why he is doing that until he explained it to me. He is a Christian and he said that Bible is book of all books. It is the speech of Good speaking to you. He said that one day when he will have kid and that kid will be enough clever to understand religious staff he will give him or her that book. It will be after couple of years so that book will be right dingy because of years and years reading from it. And that is the great gift that you can give to your child so the child can remember you forever even when you die. So I did the same, I ask Peter to buy me a Bible, a huge one, because I never had, I bought the markers and I started to read and highlight the text which I found very interesting. And I hope one day when I will be old, if I will find the right person to marry and have a kid with , I can give this old book to my son or daughter so he or she can remember me... and you can do the same with your Koran, Talmud or whatever religious you are and by the teaching of the Golden Rule to your child...

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