Friday, March 30, 2012

9th - The power of appreciation

"Learn to appreciate what you have before times makes you appreciate what you had."

           Let me tell you a little story from my life. After I finished an elementary school I went to high school which was about 15 km from the city I lived. There was one teacher of math a physics which I didn't like that time because he was very harsh and because of him my school marks went from A and B to D and E.  There was a time he asked me some question about geometry and I had to answer his question. Since I didn't know the right answer my answer was 2 straight lines. He said that I can get to sit between those two straight lines and he gave me F. Everybody laughed and I felt so humiliated. I thought that this guy really doesn't like me. My parents were divorced and since my mother was unemployed we didn't have a enough money. Because of increasing the expenses of every day traveling to another city she decided to register me to similar school which was in the city we lived. I was really angry that time because I really liked my schoolmates and there was a girl I liked as well that time. So in class our school teacher said, that I am changing the school and he wish me the best and my schoolmates started to say: "Don't go we will miss you"....etc. I fell really bad that time. Than we had a lecture with that math teacher I mentioned before. I was sitting in the end line and we were writing something I don't remember exactly what, but what I do remember is that he suddenly comes and said. "Marian I heard that you are going to change your school. I want to say that you are really clever and smart guy and I am sure that you can do great things in your life" and than he left. I was shocked. My arms started to shake and I couldn't say nothing just: "Thank you very much." That bad guy wasn't bad guy anymore and I couldn't handle not to drop tear on my chick. I was like in heaven and I felt really really great.
      It is great feeling when someone can put you up. Especially if it is someone who is important for us. And conversly it is great feeling to watch the impact on people when we are putting them up. We can start with small things, such a boast hair style of our girlfriend or in the restaurant we can boast the meal and the chief cook. We should say to others that we really appreciate them or what are they doing for us and I am sure that will do our and their day better.

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