Thursday, March 29, 2012

8th - The inspiration we need is everywhere around us

"If you would create something, you must be something." Johan Wolfgang Goethe
       Poems greater than The Iliad, plays greater than Macbeth and stories more engaging than Don Quixote are waiting for their seekers. As people are growing older, part of their emotional survival plan must be to actively seek inspiration instead of passively waiting for it to find them. We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. We have to start something with enthusiasm and than inspiration itself will start to hound us and we can run as much as we can, the inspiration will catch us anyway. We will start to see inspiration everywhere around us. We will see inspiration during reading a book or bible, by talking with friend, by reading a book, by listening to the music, by watching a movie, by paying in a grocery store while we are speaking with shop assistant, by jogging or talking to our relatives or colleges.  When we are completely ourselves, entirely alone, walking after good meal or during the night when we can not sleep, that are such occasions when ideas  flows abundantly. We get new ideas from God every hour of our day, wonderful source of inspiration can be a Bible or just walking in a nature. We can find it in beautiful things such a flower, woman or heart touching stories of another people which can inspire you to a action. There is always something or someone that can inspire us. We need just turn around, search for it and than find it. Inspiration is at the same time very fragile thing which comes from the heart of heaven and give us the wings. Sometimes the people  are sad and in this state is very difficult to see all that beauty around us. That time we need someone to help us to look through his or her eyes to see all this inspiring things around us. We can find our inspiration in quotes of famous people because quotes are nothing but inspiration for uninspired. So turn around you, listen to the sound of wind, waterfall of pure natural water, song of the bird, snow on the top of the mountains, watch the smile in children's face and get inspired...

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