Sunday, March 25, 2012

5th - Deep Secret

If you are going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say ? And why are you still waiting ? 

           We are living in a craze age. Aren’t we ? We are looking for the fast answers. We have to solve this problem immediately. We are looking for quick answers, easy solutions, elevators to success. We became so blinded to the old principles that has always worked and will always work. And even if they are right here, under our nose, we don’t see them anymore. We did find out that life is a game... It’s precious, holly, beautiful, but its a game ! And you can not play this game with a chance of win unless you know the rules. While we were grow up, nobody told us any of that rules. Nobody took at least 45 minutes to teach us how to set goals, how to motivate another, how to use our time profitably, how to stop doing the bad habits, how to accumulate wealth, how to handle stress and so much more. If we want to learn something we have to instead of feel sorry for ourself go to the library and study the subject we are interested in.  We shouldn’t treat time as if you have unlimited supply. No one has contract with life. We heard many times that we should live each day as if it is the only one we will ever have. Now, let’s turn this coin over and let’s do something that will really change your life for the better. Lets see that from the different perspective. You can to start tomorrow morning. From the time you will wake up tomorrow do me a favour. Every one you will meet tomorrow from your first contact with your family in the morning, to the people you will meet through the day, strangers, people you work with, customers etc. Treat each one of them as if you know a deep secret about each one  and that deep secret is that they are going to be death at midnight. Now thing about it for the moment. Let’s think you will see me tomorrow morning for the very first time. And you know that at midnight I am going to be out of here, I will be gone. How would you treat me ? You know how would you treat me. With more care, with more sharing, with more love that you will probably normally treat me. And what I suppose to give back to you ? More care, more love, more sharing... If that will happen too you all day tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day I dare you, tell me that your life will not change in 3 months.

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