Tuesday, May 15, 2012

13th - Random act of kindness

                  "Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." Mother Teresa

         I think that this is really powerful message form Mother Teresa to us. As we people are growing up, most of us have the same questions. I can mention a few of them. Why we are here ? What is the purpose of life ? How can we change the world ? What can we do to start feel great inside us ? Well, the aim of this paper is not answer all this questions but I can tell you what can change our life for a better. I think that the purpose of life is to live life abundantly. To enjoy every second of life and to shine as a sun. We are meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Are you asking me what is the secret that might help us to shine ? The secret is to start helping other people. We can start with little things. For example to help to the old women which is carrying bag after grocery shopping or we can volunteer for some good purpose. We can do anything inspired with this beautiful quotation from Mother Teresa. We can do random act of kindness without any expectation of reward. The best is when you are doing something for someone and that person for which you are doing it doesn't even know. Later you will start to be angry that someone will find out. Who knows, maybe one day might someone do the same for us. Sometimes people will not understand you why you are doing it. But its OK, its OK ! Keep doing it !

       Let me tell you story from my life that can maybe inspire you. My purpose is no to talk about how great I am or to flaunt but about how can something makes us feel if you believe in it. My purpose is to inspire someone. None of us has contract with life. Some people are not lucky and have hard illnesses. One day I met someone special. A really really interesting girl. Her name is Maria. Maria has a friend and his name is Martin. Martin has leukemia and it is not looking very well for him. Maria is doing something very special for him. She is supporting him as much as she can. She is visiting him in a hospital a lot and trying to influence him with unbelievable positive energy and she is trying to make him feel strong. Despite she is trying to be supportive, she is just a girl with huge fragile heart and his destiny makes her cry and cause sadness. I am trying to be a religious person but I can not say that I am a good christian. I wanted to help him somehow and since I could not do for him as much as she is doing I decided to go to the church and pray. Then I came which this idea. I decided to go for the confession maybe after one year. After that I visit a priest and ask him to serve a mass for Martin. For his health. I decided to go for 30 days to a morning 6 a.m. mass including holy communion to pray and sacrify for Martinhealth. I mention that in front of her, because I needed to tell her that she is not alone soldier to help although my help is not that great as her. Since Martin isn’t religious guy and Maria told him that his another friend is doing this for him, he just said to her that she has a really weird Friends :) As I told you before that people doesn't have to understand or appriciate what are you doing for them but that is really not important. What is important that doing this makes me shine. I feel really really great inside and I believe in a miracle and maybe one day, who knows, someone might do the same for me if I will need it. I would be grateful for that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

12th - Best things in life are for free

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have and should have."
      Did you ever think about things that are really important for us ? How much money do we need to allow them ? I have a surprise for you guys. The best things in our lives are for free. We don't  need to have any money to enjoy them. Are you wondering what the hell are this guy talking about here ? Great. I can tell you. Let me start from the morning. We wake up full of energy after great night of SLEEP in which we could see wonderful DREAMS. Then we can have a breakfast with our FAMILY. We still don't need any money to HUG them or KISS them or we can do this with someone else. For example with FRIENDS. We can share with them out FEELINGS or BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES that will no one ever take from you. Some thing beautiful we can remember for the rest of our lives. We can SMILE on them or LAUGH so hart so your face hurts. And finally there is the LOVE and it is surprisingly for free as well :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

11th - Hanging out with friends

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

         There are many types of people in our lives. Some of them are coming into our lives just for a while, some of them are staying for a while and some of them are staying for many years. They have an impact on our lives and shape our personalities. They can inspire us or let us down. There are families, schoolmates, colleges, customers, boyfriends, girlfriends, people you will see just a couple of times in your life and there are friends. I mean a real friends, not just so called "friends" which would sell you for couple of euros. Friends are people which really enjoy your company. People you can trust. People you can share your feelings and emotions with. People you can discuss your dreams and ideas and you know they will not laugh to you. People you can chat about your new potential soulmate or object of interest. People which will do anything when they see you sad or in bad mood to change it for a better. I can honestly say that there are not many such a people in my life but I know that on that little group I can really count on and I know that there are here for me. I know that they are on a similar wave length as I am and I am sure that they think I can be funny guy when I have a good day and I can feel the same from their site. I found out that friends are really really special group of people which deserve more attention than they have from us in this moment.
            When I studied at the university I had a couple of friends which were really close to me. They were especially my schoolmates and we had really great time together and I have perfect memories for that part of my life. There was one girl, let’s call her Marry. Marry was a girlfriend of my friend and I was surprised when I found out that she will be my schoolmate. As time flows we becomes a friends and my friends becomes her friends. I really liked her as a person. She was so modest and kind and had a special sense of humor. She helped me many times in school even on some important exams. We graduated and we started to work and live our own lives in different cities. Marry got married with my friend and I was happy for them because they were really awesome people. I started to work for for some pharmaceutical company as a manager and I was busy as never before. We kept in touch just using social network. Marry wrote me we should hang out sometimes as in old times. I responsed something like we should definitely do that. They lived in my born town and I was in that city many times, but somehow I never found  time to meet with them. Later one of our common friend wrote me that Marry has a sick heart and she is in a hospital and it looks not good with her. After a couple of days I set up a meeting with her husband. We went for a pizza and we talked about good old times and about the present. He said that she is not good but she will be transferred into next hospital and he hope that everything will be OK again. I asked if it is possible to visit her in a hospital, but he said that only a close family can do that. We had a really good time together and I remember we laughed a lot because I was telling him some stories from my life and about current girlfriend which was from different continent. In couple of days he wrote me that Marry died. I was shocked. I didn't expect that. I was sure that everything will be good and we can hang out together again. She did for me a so much and now she was death and the only think I could do for her was to go to the funeral to say last good bye to her. I was so sorry that I never called and I am so sorry still. I would give anything to change it but it is too late. I realized that friends and our families are the most important peoples in our lives. We should appreciate them more, we should give more attention to them because they really deserve it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

10th - Your Time - the best gift ever

           "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you."

         The best gift you can ever give to someone is your time.  No one from us have a contract with life and no one from us doesn't know how much time we have rest in this life. We can not own it but we can use it. Because of this we should handle with our time carefully. We should give it especially to the people which really deserve it. To the people we love. All people have their own time machines. Some takes us back - memories, some takes us forward - we are calling them dreams. We can't change the past but we can ruin the present by worrying about the future. Lets's think about ourselves as a bus drivers. The bus represent a life and we can choose our passengers - the people we care about. No matter how far we are going to drive, lets's lets choose the right people as a passengers. The people we enjoy to be with, the people which will makes our journey better, the great passengers. Instead of counting every hour in the day lets make every day count to give your time to the people, because it is the best gift you can every give to someone.

Friday, March 30, 2012

9th - The power of appreciation

"Learn to appreciate what you have before times makes you appreciate what you had."

           Let me tell you a little story from my life. After I finished an elementary school I went to high school which was about 15 km from the city I lived. There was one teacher of math a physics which I didn't like that time because he was very harsh and because of him my school marks went from A and B to D and E.  There was a time he asked me some question about geometry and I had to answer his question. Since I didn't know the right answer my answer was 2 straight lines. He said that I can get to sit between those two straight lines and he gave me F. Everybody laughed and I felt so humiliated. I thought that this guy really doesn't like me. My parents were divorced and since my mother was unemployed we didn't have a enough money. Because of increasing the expenses of every day traveling to another city she decided to register me to similar school which was in the city we lived. I was really angry that time because I really liked my schoolmates and there was a girl I liked as well that time. So in class our school teacher said, that I am changing the school and he wish me the best and my schoolmates started to say: "Don't go we will miss you"....etc. I fell really bad that time. Than we had a lecture with that math teacher I mentioned before. I was sitting in the end line and we were writing something I don't remember exactly what, but what I do remember is that he suddenly comes and said. "Marian I heard that you are going to change your school. I want to say that you are really clever and smart guy and I am sure that you can do great things in your life" and than he left. I was shocked. My arms started to shake and I couldn't say nothing just: "Thank you very much." That bad guy wasn't bad guy anymore and I couldn't handle not to drop tear on my chick. I was like in heaven and I felt really really great.
      It is great feeling when someone can put you up. Especially if it is someone who is important for us. And conversly it is great feeling to watch the impact on people when we are putting them up. We can start with small things, such a boast hair style of our girlfriend or in the restaurant we can boast the meal and the chief cook. We should say to others that we really appreciate them or what are they doing for us and I am sure that will do our and their day better.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

8th - The inspiration we need is everywhere around us

"If you would create something, you must be something." Johan Wolfgang Goethe
       Poems greater than The Iliad, plays greater than Macbeth and stories more engaging than Don Quixote are waiting for their seekers. As people are growing older, part of their emotional survival plan must be to actively seek inspiration instead of passively waiting for it to find them. We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. We have to start something with enthusiasm and than inspiration itself will start to hound us and we can run as much as we can, the inspiration will catch us anyway. We will start to see inspiration everywhere around us. We will see inspiration during reading a book or bible, by talking with friend, by reading a book, by listening to the music, by watching a movie, by paying in a grocery store while we are speaking with shop assistant, by jogging or talking to our relatives or colleges.  When we are completely ourselves, entirely alone, walking after good meal or during the night when we can not sleep, that are such occasions when ideas  flows abundantly. We get new ideas from God every hour of our day, wonderful source of inspiration can be a Bible or just walking in a nature. We can find it in beautiful things such a flower, woman or heart touching stories of another people which can inspire you to a action. There is always something or someone that can inspire us. We need just turn around, search for it and than find it. Inspiration is at the same time very fragile thing which comes from the heart of heaven and give us the wings. Sometimes the people  are sad and in this state is very difficult to see all that beauty around us. That time we need someone to help us to look through his or her eyes to see all this inspiring things around us. We can find our inspiration in quotes of famous people because quotes are nothing but inspiration for uninspired. So turn around you, listen to the sound of wind, waterfall of pure natural water, song of the bird, snow on the top of the mountains, watch the smile in children's face and get inspired...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

7th -The power of hug

           Two baby twins were born. One of them was sick and not expected to live. They were so small that booth of them were placed in their own incubators. The hospital nurse decided to give them despite the hospital rules into the one incubator. When they were together the healthier baby threw an arm over her sister with endearing embrace. The smaller babe's heart rate stabilized and temperature her temperature went to normal.
            I think that hug is a universal medicine. It is a great gift - one size fits all and it's easy to exchange. People's arms fits to each other like a puzzles. Sometimes we can use it instead of words and sometimes it is more than a words. Everything starts with hug and everything ends with hug. Such a hug can do our day better. Hugs are meant for everyone. From your grandmother to your neighbor. We can give someone a teddy bear so when are you far a way that person can hug him and think of us. It's great how a little hug makes everyone feel good.

Monday, March 26, 2012

6th - 30 day challenges

           Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time. It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other...

            Life is a song - sing it.  Life is a game - play it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it. Life is a challenge - meet it.

         Sometimes we stopped to beeing us. We let another people to stick finger in our faces and tell us that we are not good. The world can be sometimes very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it can beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it. You, me and nobody is gonna hit as much as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward! That's how winning is done! If you know what you're worth go and get what you're worth but you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't. youYou are better than that! Maybe you guys got something, you never finished, you really wanna do, you never said to somebody something ! Who's got the right to stop you ? Nobody !  If you feel like you are stuck in a rut or in a not good mood you can try something new for 30 days. The idea is actually pretty simple. Think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for next 30 days. It turns out that 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit like watching TV, Facebook or living without sugar. There’s a few things I learned while doing these 30-day challenges. The first on is that time is much more memorable. I also noticed that as I started to do more difficult challenges, my self-confidence grew. I started to run every day, reading more books and write a this blog as a challenge.  I was without Facebook for 30 days. You don't have to know that someone you saw just a couple of times has a new dog or your ex-girlfrind has a new boyfriend. You can start writing a book or blog as a challenge. The secret is not to go sleep before you finish your story. I really starded to enjoy this things. I also figured out that if you really want something badly enough, you can do anything for 30 days. There is nothing wrong with big crazy challanges. So what are you waiting for. I guarantee that next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not so why not think about something you have always wanted to try.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

5th - Deep Secret

If you are going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say ? And why are you still waiting ? 

           We are living in a craze age. Aren’t we ? We are looking for the fast answers. We have to solve this problem immediately. We are looking for quick answers, easy solutions, elevators to success. We became so blinded to the old principles that has always worked and will always work. And even if they are right here, under our nose, we don’t see them anymore. We did find out that life is a game... It’s precious, holly, beautiful, but its a game ! And you can not play this game with a chance of win unless you know the rules. While we were grow up, nobody told us any of that rules. Nobody took at least 45 minutes to teach us how to set goals, how to motivate another, how to use our time profitably, how to stop doing the bad habits, how to accumulate wealth, how to handle stress and so much more. If we want to learn something we have to instead of feel sorry for ourself go to the library and study the subject we are interested in.  We shouldn’t treat time as if you have unlimited supply. No one has contract with life. We heard many times that we should live each day as if it is the only one we will ever have. Now, let’s turn this coin over and let’s do something that will really change your life for the better. Lets see that from the different perspective. You can to start tomorrow morning. From the time you will wake up tomorrow do me a favour. Every one you will meet tomorrow from your first contact with your family in the morning, to the people you will meet through the day, strangers, people you work with, customers etc. Treat each one of them as if you know a deep secret about each one  and that deep secret is that they are going to be death at midnight. Now thing about it for the moment. Let’s think you will see me tomorrow morning for the very first time. And you know that at midnight I am going to be out of here, I will be gone. How would you treat me ? You know how would you treat me. With more care, with more sharing, with more love that you will probably normally treat me. And what I suppose to give back to you ? More care, more love, more sharing... If that will happen too you all day tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day I dare you, tell me that your life will not change in 3 months.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

4th - Run as fast and far as you can

                     "That day, for no particular reason I decided go for a little run.... " 
          This are the words of Forrest Gump from my favorite movie with the same name which inspired me. I just started for no particular reason run as well. Actually, there were maybe some reasons, maybe similar reasons like Forest had but that is not important. Every time there is a time we want to run away - somewhere out of the reality. Sometimes it  can be very painful mainly at the ends of your run. Your legs became so heavy and painful, you knees are like in a fire and under your ribs you feel like someone is stubbing you with the knife. That time you have to realize that there are more painful moments in your life which you experienced and this is nothing comparing to that moments. I found out that our joggers in Bratislava are so polite. Every time someone is jogging against me, he pick up his hand like he is saying hello to me. First time I was surprised, then I started enjoy it and do the same :) Sometimes a gorgeous girls is running against me and pick up the hand and I am on my 10th KM and feel pain everywhere so my face is looking like if I just swallowed a lemon :) Than I usually realize: "Common Marian, a gorgeous girl, you should smile" :) It is great to listen to your favorite music while you are jogging. Powerful music can give you great power and energy so you can run even faster. Healthy legs are a great gift from God and with great powerful music you can run as you never run before. It is great feeling when you have some aim and you fulfill it. Sometimes, the sun is shining when you are starting and in the end of you run the rain is starting. And that is awesome, it motivates you to run even faster :) Sometimes there is horst crap and if you are lucky, of course you will slam on it :) It is one of the greatest states I have ever experienced. You can get to this state just after extremely performace. Some people are saying that it is better than orgasm :) Your body is flooded with endorfins and you feel happy even if you are in normal life miserable :) The same is happening to the people which have terminal stadium of some disease and are going to die. Because of endorfins they are going better for a while and they are happy a very little moment before their death. Running is one of the greatest thing we can do for our health.
       Let me finish with true story that can inspire you. It is about girl Patti Wilson. She was an epileptic. Her father, Jim Wilson was a morning jogger. One day she said, "Daddy what I'd really love to do is run with you every day, but I'm afraid I'll have a seizure." Her father told her, "If you do, I know how to handle it so let's start running! That's just what they did every day. It was a wonderful experience for them to share and there were no seizures at all while she was running. After a few weeks, she told her father, "Daddy, what I'd really love to do is break the world's long-distance running record for women." Her father checked the Guiness Book of World Records and found that the farthest any woman had run was 80 miles. In view of her handicap, Patti was as ambitious as she was enthusiastic, but she said she looked at the handicap of being an epileptic as simply "an inconvenience." She focused not on what she had lost, but on what she had left. That year she completed her run to San Francisco wearing a T-shirt that read, "I Love Epileptics." Her dad ran every mile at her side, and her mom, a nurse, followed in a motor home behind them in case anything went wrong. In her second year on the university Patti's classmates got behind her. They built a giant poster that read, "Run, Patti, Run!" (This has since become her motto and the title of a book she has written.) On her second marathon she fractured a bone in her foot. A doctor told her she had to stop her run. He said, "I've got to put a cast on your ankle so that you don't sustain permanent damage."  "Doc, you don't understand,' she said. "This isn't just a whim of mine, it's a magnificent obsession! I'm not just doing it for me, I'm doing it to break the chains on the brains that limit so many others. Isn't there a way I can keep running?" He gave her one option. He could wrap it in adhesive instead of putting it in a cast. He warned her that it would be incredibly painful, and he told her, "It will blister." She told the doctor to wrap it up. She finished the run. You may have seen the headlines: "Super Runner, Patti Wilson Ends Marathon For Epilepsy On Her 17th Birthday." After four months of almost continuous running from the West Coast to the East Coast, Patti arrived in Washington and shook the hand of the President of the United States. She told him, "I wanted people to know that epileptics are normal human beings with normal lives."
" Because of her noble efforts, he told me, enough money had been raised to open up 19 multi-million-dollar epileptic centers around the country...

3rd - Dream while you are sleeping

         Let me start with quotation: We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day, or in the red fire of a long winter's evening. Some of us let this great dream die, but others nourish and protect them, nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams comes true.

         I think that when you are dreaming alone it is only a dream but when you are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality. The most important think is never to lose hope, once we lose a  hope, we lose the vitality that keeps life moving, we lose that courage to be, that quality that helps us go on in spite of it all. I really like to sleep, that can tell you everyone that knows me. And I especially like to fall a sleeping. No matter if life gives us lemons, we lost beloved person, our dog is sick or whatever else is sad in our life, we have the opportunity to rest every night from it. We can have experiences we will never in your real life. We can have funny dreams, weird drams, scary dreams, risque dreams, dramatic dreams or even life-changing dreams. We can have visions, we can travel even outside our bodies and we can see wonderful things. We can travel beyond the limitations of space as we know it and beyond the limitations of time as we know it, even if you are scared of planes in the real life :) Dreaming and fantasizing gives us the feeling of serenity and inner peace. I heard somewhere that dreams are the pathways to our inner soul and come from our subconscious mind. Person's dream can be so powerful that it can gives completely new direction of the life. Even though we can not remember a majority of our dreams when we wake up, that dream can still have an impact on the way we think, behave and even act. I think that when you are in bed you should think positively because every negative thought can have impact on your dream. I know that sometimes it is not possible but try to focus on something beautiful. For example think of a little baby. That will change your mind. Do not think negatively or feel sorry for yourself. Look at yourself as a fighter or warrior. Dreams can be sometimes so powerful, that people wish to switch the dreams with the real life as we could see it in Avatar movie from James Cameron :)

I wish to all of you a nice dream. Good night :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

2nd - Getting your very own religious book

         Let me start with little story I’d like to mention. It comes from The Iliad and tells you what spirituality should be. Maybe you know the story about The Iliad - the 10-year war between Greece and Troy. In one incident, Achilles, the famous warrior of Greece takes his troops out of the war and the whole war effort suffers. And the cause of the ensuing muddle, his beloved friend Patroclus, is killed - and killed in single combat by one of the Trojan prices Hector. And Achilles goes mad with grief and revenge, he killed Hector and mutilates his body and refused to give the body back for burial to the family which mean that Hector’s soul will wander eternally lost. Then one night, Priam, the king of Troy, an old man, comes into the Greek camp incognito, makes his way to Achilles tent to ask for the body of his son. Everybody is shocked when the old man takes of his head covering and shows himself. Achilles looks at him and thinks of his own father. And than suddenly he started to weep. Priam looks at the man who has murdered so many of his sons, and he, too, starts to weep. And the sound of their weeping filled the house. The Greeks believed that weeping together created a bond between the people. And than Achilles takes the body of Hector, he hands it very tenderly to the father, and the two men look at each other, and see each other as divine...

        There are many religious in this world and each of them have its own religion book. The Christians have Bible, the Muslims have Koran, the Jews have Talmud etc. There is as well lot of names for God. You can say God, Boh, Budha, whatever name you want to call him with, Allah, Ram, Om, whatever the name might be through which you name or access the presence of divinity, is the locus of absolute being, absolute love and mercy and compassion and absolute  knowledge and wisdom what for instance Hindus call "satchidanada". The language is different but the objective is always the same. There is a Golden Rule in this religious that is common for all of them: "Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you." This is the common platform on which we must stand, and when we stand on this platform as such, I am convinced that we can make a wonderful world. We should not threat other nations as we would not wish to be treated ourselves. All we have to do is to get our egos out of the way. I’am sure, probably all of you or certainly majority of you have had what you might call a spiritual experience, a moment in your lives when for a few seconds, a minute perhaps, the boundaries of your ego dissolved. And that minute, you felt at one with the universe, one with that cup of water on your table, one with every human being, one with the creator and you felt you were in the presence of power, of awe, of the deepest love, the deepest sense of compassion and mercy that you have ever experienced in your lives. Jesus says:  "I am the spirit and I am the way " and the prophet Muhammad says: "Whoever has seen me has seen God", it is because they became so much an instrument of God, they became part of God’s team so that God’s was manifest through them and not acting from their own selves and their own egos. There is a place in the world that is so important for 3 largest religious of the world - it is the heart and soul that is called the Holly Land in Jerusalem Israel. Millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews go there every year because of its spirituality. It is the place where Abraham wanted to sacrifice his son.  After kings Solomon  temple was destroyed in 6th century b.c. by the Babylonians, a second temple was built on the same side in 1st century b.c. by the king Herod the Great. According to New Testament it was the second temple which played significant role in the life of Jesus from Nazareth because it was here where Jesus chased out the money landers an event which leads to his crucifixion and death. And it was also near by the Mount of Olives from where was Jesus taken into the heaven by God. Nearly 6th centuries after the second temple was destroyed by the Romans, the third temple was built by the Persians - the Dome of the Rock - known to muslims as a very holly place. The temple was built on the side which they believe that Muhammed was taken to heaven by Allah. And for instance Ancient Alines believers believe that this is the place where in the past landed a huge spaceship but that is completely another story :) I think that it is important to come together and create networks of understanding - we must to speak to one another. It is time that we moved beyond the idea of toleration and move toward appreciation of the other. 

         My friend Peter inspired me. I like people that can inspire me and Peter is great guy. He have a hugh bible with more than 2 300 pages and inside that bible he has highlighted some sentences with red or yellow pen markers. I never understand why he is doing that until he explained it to me. He is a Christian and he said that Bible is book of all books. It is the speech of Good speaking to you. He said that one day when he will have kid and that kid will be enough clever to understand religious staff he will give him or her that book. It will be after couple of years so that book will be right dingy because of years and years reading from it. And that is the great gift that you can give to your child so the child can remember you forever even when you die. So I did the same, I ask Peter to buy me a Bible, a huge one, because I never had, I bought the markers and I started to read and highlight the text which I found very interesting. And I hope one day when I will be old, if I will find the right person to marry and have a kid with , I can give this old book to my son or daughter so he or she can remember me... and you can do the same with your Koran, Talmud or whatever religious you are and by the teaching of the Golden Rule to your child...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

1st - Cup of morning coffee

This is my first blog article and I am not a native english person so please don't laugh to me guys :)
I am having hard times right now and I am trying to focus on something positive that will change my mood. One of the little things that we have and that we can be grateful for. I think the life can be sometimes difficult and when that time comes you have always two choices. First, you can swirl and twirl and gloom and doom forever, or second you can grieve and than face the future with newly sober eyes. I feel that I should moving forward and move on and take baby steps into the future. But this is not what I wanted to talk about here. Lets talk about coffee :) Do you know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and you are drinking your very first coffee in that particular day? When you can smell that aroma that itself is so powerful and drives you crazy and every molecule of your body can feel it and smell it ? I am a chemist guy and I can even write the molecule of caffeine but I never really realized how enjoable this black drink really is. You can enjoy it alone or even better with your friend or family. Coffee is on of the smallest things that most of us drink on daily bases and never think about how pleasure can it be. One of the smallest things that we can have no matter in what mood we are. So cheers guys :)